Doin' the Wave

Inspired by Sam Waring, we’re asking you one simple question: who can you wave at?

With all the havoc and heartache the pandemic wreaked in 2020 (and sadly, some more to come in 2021), Sam Waring didn’t do nothing. He just started waving.

And as it turns out, that was a lot.

Stuck inside and feeling lonely, Sam put a sign in his yard that simply read, “If the Curtain’s Open, Give Us a Wave, Eh?”

And people did.

In the process, community was built and the world became a little less isolated, even at a distance.

So while it’s still not safe to give hugs and handshakes, a wave’ll do. (And maybe a smile?)

Action Step:

How can you make someone feel less lonely this week? (We bet you’ll feel less lonely in the process.)

Sam Davidson